With the winter period approaching, migration on green-border routes could intensify again, György Bakondi, Chief Security Advisor to the Prime Minister said on Tuesday on the public service television news channel M1.

He added that illegal immigrants are primarily motivated by the approaching winter season because in the cold weather the emergency housing they are given is not suitable for habitation.

He stressed that in order to stop the process, it would be necessary for the European Union to urgently change its flawed migration policy pursued since 2015, and to find solutions to the protection of the external borders and the returning of those staying in Europe illegally. In a case to the contrary, conflicts could emerge among migrants already present in large numbers in some countries as well as between migrants and local residents, he added, observing that migrants travelling in large groups could use the advantages of mass migration also upon the crossing of borders.

He highlighted that in order to prevent migration from putting pressure upon the European internal security system and social network, it is important to help the countries from which immigrants set out in large numbers.

According to the chief security advisor, a dangerous situation that is difficult to follow is evolving on all migration routes. Due to the pressure of the approaching winter period, masses are arriving in Europe. Pursuant to the Monday report of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex), there is an increase in the number of migrants on the main routes, he said. It is presumed that at present a very large number of non-registered migrants and almost 100,000 registered migrants are on the move on the Balkans route; with all probability, most of them are not political refugees, but economic immigrants, Mr Bakondi said.