“More than 600 thousand people have returned their National Consultation questionnaires”, Minister of State for Government Communication Bence Tuzson said on Kossuth Radio’s “180 minutes” program on Tuesday.

All the questionnaires will have been delivered by 6 May, and people have until 20 May to fill them out and return them by pre-paid post, Mr. Tuzson explained.

The Minister of State also spoke about the fact that the administration is also working on refuting point-by-point the issues raised by Brussels with regard to the National Consultation in its flyer-like letter.

According to Mr. Tuzson, Brussels is misunderstanding the questions included in the Consultation. “They serve the reform of the European Union, this is a pro-European questionnaire”, he stressed.

“We agree on many issues, but there are some that we cannot give up our stance on, because they do not serve the interests of Hungary”, he said, listing migration and the reduction of public utility charges among the latter.

Speaking later on M1 Hungarian television, the Minister of State for Government Communication said the National Consultation was embarking on a countrywide roadshow in which government experts and representatives of the administration will be participating to increase awareness and make the Governments’ standpoint absolutely clear.