As many as 1,367,322 persons have already sent back the national consultation questionnaires or have completed them online, Spokesperson for the Government Communication Centre Örs Farkas told journalists on Wednesday in Budapest.

The spokesperson recalled that the coronavirus epidemic has significantly affected our daily lives; worldwide, the number of infections is increasing, and the pandemic will probably have a second wave.

He said in the first phase of the epidemic, Hungary fought well because the government adopted the necessary measures in good time, while members of the public were disciplined and cooperated. It is thanks to this that we managed to avoid mass infections and thousands of fatalities. We have also succeeded in alleviating the economic impacts of the epidemic: the government has protected a million jobs, and our unemployment data is among the best in Europe.

The national consultation is about the preservation of economic sovereignty and the effective containment of the epidemic, Mr Farkas said, adding that on the one hand, they want the people’s opinion about issues such as the wearing of face masks, the closure of the borders, the shopping time slot reserved for the elderly, and free parking. On the other hand, the government wants to consult the people about the second Soros plan which would “bind in chains” the countries participating in the arrangement.

He highlighted that these are questions that concern the daily lives of every Hungarian family, and therefore the government is asking everyone who has not yet done so to state their opinions during the remaining ten days. He recalled that the deadline for the submission of the consultation questionnaires is 15 August. The number of national consultation questionnaires returned or completed online so far currently stands at 1,367,322 in total, the spokesperson said.

He added that also on this occasion the Left are not taking part in this collective effort; instead they are collecting the questionnaires for their own purposes and are hindering the fight against the virus. However, this, he said, is hardly surprising as they care not about the people’s interests, but about immigration and the second Soros plan; they are working against Hungary’s sovereignty.

The spokesperson of the Government Communication Centre also highlighted that while migration is intensifying and the number of migrants arriving at the Hungarian border is increasing, the pro-immigration Left are making every effort to help migrants arrive in Hungary unhindered.

(MTI/Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister)