The Government is seeking the Hungarian people’s support so that we can protect our borders and prevent the resettlement of migrants, Csaba Dömötör said. The Minister of State at the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister highlighted at his press conference: we are asking for the Hungarian people’s support so that we can continue to keep the regulation of taxes, wages and household utility charges in Hungarian hands.

The Minister of State said: they are asking for the Hungarian people’s support so that we can continue to keep the regulation of taxes, wages and household utility charges in Hungarian hands. Brussels intends to withdraw powers from the Member States in a number of areas, and Brussels must therefore be stopped in these efforts, he stressed. The Government also insists that "there should be greater transparency in the case of activist groups funded from abroad”, he added.

Regarding the national consultation to be launched with respect to six issues, Mr Dömötör said: the Government has a major dispute with Brussels on these issues. While its position is clear, the Government needs the support of the Hungarian people in the interest of the effective enforcement of our national interests. Mr Dömötör said: "participation in the consultation amounts to taking a strong stance in favour of national independence”.

The Minister of State at the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister argued that Hungary has been exposed to ever fiercer attacks in recent periods, primarily on account of its position regarding immigration policy. He drew attention to the fact that the EU Commissioner for migration said even a few days ago that the resettlement schemes constitute core elements of the EU policies, and these must be accelerated.

Mr Dömötör took the view that the EU’s flawed immigration policy is amply demonstrated by the "flawed judgement” of the European Court of Human Rights as well, in light of the fact that the court awarded compensation worth six million forints to two illegal immigrants despite the fact that Hungary only met its obligation and protected the Schengen borders.

"It is particularly shocking that, by virtue of the awarded legal costs, an organisation funded from abroad earned an additional 2.7 million forints on the case”, the Minister of State added. He stressed: participation in the national consultation also helps us „to take joint action against the migrant business as well as against other phenomena in violation of our national interests”.

Mr Dömötör further reiterated that the Hungarian Government would like to see a strong Europe which is, however, only attainable if it relies on the nation states and their diversity, as well as on its values laid down in the Treaty of Rome. Instead of lecturing the Member States, the Brussels leadership should concentrate on the protection of the communities and the reinforcement of security, the representative of the Cabinet stressed.

The Minister of State at the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister said that citizens will be able to send back the completed consultation questionnaires free of charge until 20 May. In answer to a question, he further remarked that the final costs of the consultation will depend on the number of participants. At the same time, the Government will disclose to the public the estimated expenditures before the receipt of the first consignments.