Neighbourhood watch volunteers are also a great help at the time of the coronavirus epidemic, Zsolt Nyitrai, the Prime Minister’s appointee for priority social affairs said in a video message posted on the government’s Facebook account on Sunday.

He said neighbourhood watch is the embodiment of modern-day patriotism.

He said there are more than 63,000 neighbourhood watch volunteers serving in Hungary, doing this job as volunteers in their free time. “Thank you for watching out for us,” Mr Nyitrai stressed.

Pál Kardos, Vice President of the National Neighbourhood Watch Federation highlighted that in this difficult situation, during the coronavirus epidemic members of the public and the elderly must be helped. Therefore, priorities in the life of the neighbourhood watch service have changed, and there is a greater emphasis on charitable activities.

He said neighbourhood watch volunteers, too, are helping those most at risk, the elderly by doing their shopping and taking them to places they have to go. Additionally, neighbourhood watch volunteers are focusing their attention on patrolling public areas. Neighbourhood watch volunteers are present are higher numbers and during longer hours in public areas, checking playgrounds and sports fields, in cooperation with the police, he added.

The National Neighbourhood Watch Federation has provided neighbourhood watch volunteers with the personal protective equipment necessary for the safe performance of their service, including rubber gloves, face masks and disinfectants, Mr Kardos said.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)