Since the beginning of the migration crisis, never before have we observed such intense activity on the Balkans route in the month of December.

On the public service television news channel M1, Chief Security Advisor to the Prime Minister György Bakondi said the pressure of migration is intensifying on the southern border; last weekend, members of the military and police stationed at the border were required to take action against almost 400 illegal immigrants.

A few months ago, Serbia-Bosnia and Albania-Montenegro-Bosnia-Herzegovina-Croatia were the two main routes of illegal immigrants; however, deterred by the advanced technical equipment installed at the Croatian border, immigrants have started moving towards Hungary.

He said there is increasing activity on the Greek islands and on the Turkish-Greek green border as well. It is a further change that the percentage of Syrians has increased among the latest arrivals. This is probably due to the fact that Syrians staying in Turkey have set out in view of repatriation plans.