“No legal procedure can prevent the National Consultation and the expression of the Hungarian people’s opinions”, Minister of State for Government Communication Bence Tuzson said at a press conference in Budapest on Tuesday.

The Minister of State was speaking in response to the fact that the Government has received an application initiating legal proceedings from the Helsinki Committee, in which the organisation is asking the Government to call off the National Consultation and destroy the related questionnaires.

“According to the Government, the only goal of the application is to restrict the freedom of the Hungarian people to express their views”, the Minister of State said, adding that the request to call off the consultation is being submitted by precisely an organisations which, on paper, claims that civil liberties must be upheld.

According to Mr. Tuzson, the move by the Helsinki Committee is another attack by the “Soros empire”, in view of the fact that during the past two years the organisation has received 300 million forints from George Soros.

The Minister of State told reporters that the Helsinki Committee had already contributed to the “migrant business” when it turned to the Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg in the name of two immigrants from Bangladesh.

He also spoke about the fact that the European Parliament (EP) had not stopped working on the mandatory resettlement quota: one of the EP’s expert committees is preparing a resolution on an unlimited mandatory resettlement quota.

“However, the Hungarian Government is continuing to stand up for the National Consultation, Hungary’s interests and the freedom of the Hungarian people to express their opinions”, Mr. Tuzson underlined.

According to a statement issued by the Helsinki Committee on Saturday, point 5 of the questionnaire that the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister intends to deliver to every household in the country falsely defines the organisation’s professional opinion with relation to a special situation as a general standpoint, and this falsehood violates the good name of the legal aid organisation that has been in operation for 28 years.