The number of illegal immigrants at Hungary’s borders is increasing intensively; this year, the number of those attempting to cross the border illegally has exceeded ten thousand.

Chief Security Advisor to the Prime Minister György Bakondi said there is a change in the composition of the nationalities of illegal immigrants. Compared with previous months, the number of Syrians has increased significantly.

According to Mr Bakondi’s information, the methods of people smuggling, too, are changing. Smugglers are digging tunnels on the border sections of ever more European countries in order to smuggle migrants in.

A new dimension of terrorism is that among illegal immigrants terrorists with extensive fighting experience could make their way to Europe, Mr Bakondi stressed, observing that the fight against terrorism is under way throughout the world, and therefore the “target countries” increasingly have a vested interest in taking firm action in the interest of security.

The programme on the public service television news channel highlighted that on Tuesday in Germany three presumed Islamist terrorists were detained by the German counterterrorism authorities near Frankfurt. The apprehended two Turkish nationals and one German citizen wanted to attack civilians with home-made bombs and weapons purchased via the Internet.