If the opposition parties entered into office after the elections, it would be such a weak government that the interest groups headed by George Soros or Brussels would be able to push all their plans through, the Minister heading the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister stressed on the programme Sunday Paper (Vasárnapi Újság) of Kossuth Radio.

Antal Rogán said the Hungarian government is looking for allies. Next week, for instance, the Hungarian Prime Minister will have talks with the Foreign Minister of Australia which takes tough action against immigration.

He said they had foreseen that the Stop Soros legislative package would provoke attacks as, the Minister highlighted, George Soros made every effort to place his people into senior influential positions at world organisations and European institutions. The representative of the Council of Europe, who takes an openly pro-immigration stance, was the head of a Soros foundation, while the UN’s special rapporteur, who deals with immigration issues also at present, received an award from George Soros in Budapest in 2010, the Minister argued.

He said the foundations, universities and institutions which George Soros operates have ever more ties to political institutions. He pointed out: “This is a power behind power” which seeks to influence elected representatives, and they are in increasingly large numbers among elected officials as well. People do not know this, the Minister said, adding that electors have no idea that it is these people who make documents such as the UN’s migration plan which asserts that immigration is a positive thing which should be organised world-wide, and economic migration should be legalised. This is unacceptable, and we must fight against it, Mr Rogán pointed out, adding that it is for this fight that they are looking for ally countries. Mr Rogán mentioned as an example Australia which adopts a very stringent approach to immigration and whose Foreign Minister will pay a visit to Hungary next week and will meet with Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó.

Mr Rogán highlighted one should also take a closer look at the origin of George Soros’s wealth with which he supports those who “worship him”. George Soros was never an adherent of the kind of market economy that is based on performance and merit. He obtained his wealth from speculation; he is, as the Germans say, a “casino capitalist”, Mr Rogán said, adding that George Soros is met with criticism in a great many places around the world. Earlier he caused major financial losses in the United Kingdom as a financial speculator, attacked a number of French financial institutions, and is heavily criticised in Israel as well, the Minister said, observing that George Soros has been banned from several countries.

According to the Minister, George Soros – as an individual who “wants to bring into Europe immigrants from Africa and the Middle East in large numbers with an inordinate amount of money without asking the Hungarian people whether they want this or not” – poses a national security risk to Hungary.

Mr Rogán took the view that the opposition parties had lost their credibility. While they have finally realised that the people in Hungary do not want immigration and say no to Brussels’ immigration policy, we should not pay attention, the Minister highlighted, to what they are saying now, but what they said and did earlier. Mr Rogán believes that if a left-wing government had entered into office in 2014, they would not have erected a fence and there would be “mega refugee camps” all over Hungary now.

The Minister asserted that also for this reason the stakes of the upcoming elections are high. If the opposition parties were given the opportunity to form a government together – while in Mr Rogán’s view “it would be a nonsense coalition in itself” – they would implement the “Soros plan” and would open the fence.

“There is imminent danger”, the Minister highlighted, adding that Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel let slip that should the new immigration mechanism – based on which immigrants would be brought in and distributed according to mandatory quotas – not be adopted, in June they are preparing to push it through with a majority vote. The same as they did with the quota of 1,300, they would now like to repeat the same feat on an industrial scale. If at that point in time there is a weak government in Hungary, the quotas will be forced down Hungary’s throat. We cannot allow this happen, the Minister heading the Cabinet Office of the Price Minister pointed out.