One million five-hundred and sixty thousand people have returned their National Consultation questionnaires so far, which represents the highest ever participation to date, “this is a first”. This is much more than the number of people who voted for the left in 2014 and many times more than the number of signatures with which the Momentum Movement “sabotaged the Olympic bid”, Parliamentary State Secretary Csaba Dömötör from the Prime Minister’s Office said on Friday in Sopron.

Speaking to some one-hundred and fifty people on the Sopron stop of the countrywide tour to promote the National Consultation, Mr. Dömötör declared: “The National Consultation questionnaires concern vital issues that will affect the country’s future”.

It is already clear today that what will be at stake at the 2018 elections is “whether we succeed in keeping Hungary Hungarian, and in protecting our communities, traditions and culture”, the State Secretary stressed.

He explained that the Government is working in three main directions: protecting families and Christian values, and the cross-border reunification of the nation.

On the subject of security, he declared: In 2010 “public safety was practically non-existent”, and accordingly the Government increased the number of police and reinforced the army, as well as doing everything possible to protect the country’s borders in view of the migration crisis.

“We must prepare for permanent migration, because it is being fed by a myriad of sources”, the State Secretary said, “and Europe is the only place on earth that is opening its doors to immigrants in an uncontrolled and unlimited fashion”.

Mr. Dömötör said that in his view there is a major risk of the agreement between the European Union and Turkey on stopping migrants finding itself on precarious foundations “There are currently three and a half million people waiting in Turkey to set out for Europe” he said.

With regard to the quota case between Hungary and the European Union, the State Secretary stressed that Brussels is attempting to force the mandatory resettlement of immigrants on Hungary, because it believes Hungary is not showing enough solidarity, despite the fact that the country has already shown more solidarity than could be expected and has received no assistance at all towards protecting the Schengen borders, but criticism all the more.

Mr. Dömötör also mentioned that Brussels’ migration policy is receiving support from so-called human rights groups that are being funded by George Soros.

At the event, MP for Sopron Mátyás Firtl (KDNP) stressed: The Government doesn’t believe in a United States of Europe, but in a community of European nation states. With regard to internal border controls, he added that the people of Sopron were aware of and had experienced the Brussels politics which has, for instance, led to one of the European Union’s fundamental freedoms, the right to free movement, suffering negatively.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)