“If someone wants to take action against resettlement and illegal immigration, they can only count on the Government and on the governing parties”, Parliamentary State Secretary Csaba Dömötör from the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister said on Kossuth Radio on Sunday.

Speaking on Kossuth Radio’s “Sunday Papers” program, Mr. Dömötör explained: “According to Brussels’ current plans, Hungary would already have to admit ten thousand immigrants before the end of this year”. “These plans concern a mandatory quota with no upper threshold; this is what the Government already drew attention to during the referendum campaign, and the existence of which the opposition tried to deny”, the Minister of State added.

“In recent months and years practically every opposition party has supported the resettlement programme in various ways”, he stressed. “It’s a simple picture”, he said: “The opposition is representing a pro-resettlement and pro-immigration position, while the Hungarian Government is applying all possible instruments to take action against immigration”.

According to the Minister of State, the issue is relevant because the EU would like to make a final decision on the resettlement quota during the upcoming weeks and months. The European Parliament has already ruled on the mandatory quota, this is also what the European Commission wants, and they are now trying to “put the stamp” on the mandatory quota in the third main EU institution, the Council, he pointed out.

They have openly stated that they want a final decision, if needed “above the heads” of the Visegrád Group countries, Mr. Dömötör said, explaining that this is unacceptable and declaring: “We will not bow to pressure”.

‘The decisive negotiations will occur over the upcoming weeks and months”, the Minister of State explained, stressing: “Whether there will be resettlement or we succeed in preventing it will be decided on 8 April”.