“People who reject the mandatory resettlement quota can only count on the governing parties”, the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister’s Parliamentary State Secretary declared on Hungarian M1 television’s Thursday morning current affairs program.

“The legal battle is only just beginning, and some of the left-wing parties have been collecting signatures in support of the quota, while the representatives of other parties have made statements in support of resettlement and have voted in favour of the related decision in the European Parliament”, Csaba Dömötör stated.

Head of the European socialists’ parliamentary group in the EP, Gianni Pittella said the ruling rejecting the plea submitted by Hungary and Slovakia sets an important new precedent, adding that from hereon, we can begin developing a mandatory and permanent mechanism with no upper threshold, Mr. Dömötör pointed out.

“This means that the statements made by the Government prior to the quota referendum, according to which the resettlement of the 1300 migrants is just the beginning, following which member states will have to accept hundreds of thousand of people, are correct”, he argued.

The Parliamentary State Secretary pointed out that according to some ideas, one million immigrants should be allowed into Europe every single year, meaning that if things continue along this path then the people of Hungary will no longer have a say in deciding who they want to share their country with.

“The decision of the Court is outrageous and irresponsible because the proposal regarding the quota solves nothing, and in fact serves as an invitation to millions of illegal immigrants”, he stressed.

“It sends a message to millions of potential economic migrants that you should feel free to set off for Europe, because you will be able to settle in some EU country anyway”, Mr. Dömötör highlighted.

“The ruling is particularly irresponsible if we take into account how many terrorists have attempted to exploit the ‘open doors policy’ in recent years”, he added.

The State Secretary also said that to all intents and proposes “politics had raped the EU legal system”, because immigration policy was not included in the spheres of competence that needed to be transferred when countries joined the EU.

“In other words, stealthy legislation is occurring, during which the European Commission is overwriting the spheres of competence of member states”, Mr. Dömötör said.