“Policies cannot be made to succeed without the support of the people”, Minister of State for Government Communication Bence Tuzson said with regard to the national consultation on Kossuth Radio’s “Sunday Paper” program.

The Minister of State pointed out that the consultation concerns extremely important issues that determine the country’s future.
On the subject of illegal immigration, he explained: Brussels is trying to force Hungary to let in the migrants, and most recently the ruling by the European Court of Human Rights aimed to require Hungary to allow the migrants into the country instead of processing them in the transit zones.

“We must take action against this in the strongest possible terms”, the Minister of State said, adding that protecting Hungary requires the opinion of the Hungarian people.

On the subject of the reduction of public utility charges, Mr. Tuzson said the European Union wants to take away Hungary’s rights to regulate energy prices, meaning Hungary would have to face a liberalised energy market, which would obviously lead to price increases.

The Minister of State also spoke about the fact that it is unknown in whose interests “activist groups that call themselves non-governmental organisations”, and which have an influence on politics, perform their activities, adding that it was fundamentally important to establish a transparent organisational structure.

He also said that Brussels wants to impose a general ban on the job creation support schemes applied by Hungary, against which we must protest.

Hungary wishes to continue its policy of reducing taxes, however Brussels would like to take control over the right to determine the rate of taxes, and is using “stealthy legislation” to achieve its goal. This is something we must also take action against in the strongest possible terms, because without these job creation policies Hungary will be unable to continue the economic trajectory that will lead to a stronger Hungary”, Mr. Tuzson stressed with regard to the national consultation.