“The postal delivery of National Consultation letters began this week commencing in Budapest, with deliveries to voters in the rest of the country beginning in the second week of October”, Minister of State for Government Communication Bence Tuzson said at a press conference in Budapest on Saturday.

The Minister of State reminded the press that the postal delivery of the questionnaires would continue until 10 November, and the public will have until 24 November to submit their replies. The National Consultation questionnaires are being delivered by Hungary’s national postal service, Magyar Posta Cls, in addition to which members of the public can also submit their replies via the internet at the nemzetikonzultacio.kormany.hu website.

Together with the questionnaire, voters will also receive a letter from Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, the Minister of State stressed, underlining the fact that the Prime Minister is asking the people of Hungary to take part in the National Consultation and to help the Government defend Hungary’s standpoint in Brussels  against the “Soros Plan”.

Mr. Tuzson explained that the more people voice their opinions during the National Consultation, the greater the chance that the Cabinet will be able to stop the “Soros Plan”, according to which one million migrants must be settled in Europe every year.

The Minister of State pointed out that George Soros first put forward his plan in 2015, and that since then not only he, but the European Commission is also striving to assure that this number of people arrive on the continent every year within the framework of a permanent mechanism.

“However, the fact that Hungary and a few other countries are protecting their borders is obstructing this plan, and accordingly George Soros’s goal is to demolish the border security fence and weaken the border barrier system”, Mr. Tuzson said, adding that according to the ‘”Soros Plan” every migrant would receive 9 million forints over a period of two years to facilitate their integration.

“George Soros’s plan also includes the levying of tough fines on countries that do not want to take part in its implementation”, he highlighted, adding that George Soros also wants to reduce agriculture and cohesion funding, which would affect the countries of Central and Eastern Europe to the greatest extent.

Mr. Tuzson stressed that despite this, the Government is continuing to refuse to implement the Soros Plan and is strongly opposed to every one of its points, including the one million migrants a year, the 9 million forints in benefits, the mandatory quota and the sanctions that countries have been threatened with.

“We are fully aware that we are the object of attacks”, the Minister of State said, underlining the fact that the Government has been under continuous and increasing heavy attack since it announced that it would be holding a National Consultation against George Soros.

According to Mr. Tuzson, however, Hungary’s interests are more important to the Government than anything else, and accordingly it will continue to take the strongest possible action against the ‘Soros Plan”, together with the Hungarian people.

In reply to questions on the National Consultation, the Minister of State told the press that the Government trusts in the good faith of voters and in the fact that each voter will only fill out the questionnaire once. Mr. Tuzson also noted that that according to previous experience, electronic replies to the National Consultation usually only represent a maximum a five percent of all submitted questionnaires.

In reply to another question, Mr. Tuzson also said that there are several points on the European Commission’s agenda that represent the realisation of the “Soros plan”, “even if they do not go by that name”. As an example, Mr. Tuzson cited the proposals concerning the mandatory quota and the fact that member states may be fined for noncompliance.