After the relaxing of the measures adopted during the epidemic, the pressure of migration could intensify on the Balkans route, the Chief Security Advisor to the Prime Minister stated on the Friday programme of the public service television news channel M1.

György Bakondi stressed that the first signs are already emerging because while during the strict border closures imposed due to the coronavirus epidemic there were a few one-off border breaches a day, after the loosening of measures there are now around 60 to 70 daily.

At the same time, there are still around 130,000 migrants in transit on the Balkans route, he added.

He also highlighted that following the decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union and the closing down of transit zones, neither the Hungarian government’s migration policy, nor the border control regime will change.

The only thing that will change is that migrants will only be able to submit asylum requests at foreign representations, not in the transit zones, and they can await a decision “on the other side of the fence,” Mr Bakondi said.