The pressure of migration is intensifying, there are more than a hundred thousand registered migrants on the Balkans route, György Bakondi, the Chief Security Advisor to the Prime Minister said on Friday evening on the public service television news channel M1.

Turkey has recently been making attempts to create a safe zone in Syria in order to allow refugees to return to their homeland, but many have instead set out for Europe. The Greek islands are filled with migrants up to saturation point, and those who have reached the mainland can easily cross over into Bosnia and Herzegovina. While from there it is more difficult to move on in the direction of Croatia due to the stringent protection of the Croatian borders, many are heading out towards Serbia, and as a result, the number of migrants has also perceivably increased in Vojvodina, the expert said.

He added that, at the same time, the EU’s activities related to migration have been unsuccessful so far, they have been unable to prevent mass and uncontrolled immigration and the unlawful entry into the EU of persons of unknown identities. What is more, they constantly criticise the countries which defend Europe’s borders, including Hungary.

We sincerely hope that the new European Commission will seek a solution to migration on new foundations; a solution which is based on a consensus that takes the sovereignty of every nation into consideration. Hungary will do everything, as it has done to date, to firmly defend its borders, to protect the Hungarian people’s security and Europe, Mr Bakondi pointed out.