Due to the strengthening of Croatian border controls, ever more migrants are returning towards Serbia, then Hungary and even Romania, Chief Security Advisor to the Prime Minister György Bakondi said talking to the public service media on Tuesday in Bihac, Bosnia after he visited the Bosnian-Croatian border.

Due to the strengthening of Croatian border controls, ever more migrants are returning towards Serbia, then Hungary and even Romania, Chief Security Advisor to the Prime Minister György Bakondi said talking to the public service media on Tuesday in Bihac, Bosnia after he visited the Bosnian-Croatian border.

Mr Bakondi took the view that the evacuation of the Vucjak migrant camp near the Croatian border which has just started could accelerate a flow in the direction of Serbia.

He added that the pressure of migration weighing on Hungary is intensifying perceivably as while last year the Hungarian authorities detained just 6,000 illegal migrants, this year to date already as many as 13,300 illegal migrants have been detained.

He said during the visit he met with the head of the Croatian border police, and then on the Bosnian side he was informed about the migration situation. According to the information he received, he continued, this year 28,000 migrants have been registered in Bosnia. While most of them applied for refugee status, it is common knowledge that they want to move on towards Croatia and Slovenia, meaning to Austria and Italy.

He added that also on his way he had seen many migrants heading towards the Croatian border, and the evacuation of the Vucjak camp is further complicating the situation.

In his view, Bosnia is only able to maintain an asylum care system with the effective assistance of the European Union and the UN.

Mr Bakondi also highlighted that according to his experience Croatia has recently made intensive efforts to develop its border protection capabilities, and is now prepared both technically and methodologically to become a member of the Schengen Area.