Prime Minister Viktor Orbán defended Hungary’s and the Government’s position on every issue in Brussels, at the meeting of the Presidency of the European People’s Party and at the meeting of the European Council, Antal Rogán said on the programme Vasárnapi Újság of Kossuth Rádió.

The Minister heading the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister stressed on the programme that Hungary reserves the right to have a minority view or a different position on certain issues. “If necessary, we even take on legal procedures”, he added.

He remarked: the issue of immigration is the most important for the Government, on which it does not wish to compromise because it takes the view that not a single Member State can be forced to take in immigrants, and the mandatory quotas are out of the question.

The Minister also said that the European People’s Party is the strongest political alliance within the European Parliament today, and Fidesz continues to remain a member of the People’s Party: György Soros is “lobbying” against this in vain.

He further remarked that György Soros was received in Brussels amidst formalities that are usually reserved for heads of state. This is not customary, and indicates that the billionaire has major influence at the EU’s headquarters. “There is no doubt that there are European bureaucrats and there are also politicians who openly represent György Soros’s views and György Soros’s interests”, the Minister said.

In his view, the main goal György Soros seeks to achieve is that Hungary situated along the Balkans route of migrants should be “put aside”, and the fence should be demolished. At the same time, it is a primary goal of the Hungarian Government to protect the Hungarian and European borders, he stressed.

He also mentioned that Brussels would like to achieve that Hungary do away with the transit zones created on the southern border which would, however, mean a kind of opening of the border.

“We are prepared to engage in talks about this to the end as we usually manifest open positions on all legal issues, whatever those issues may be, but on the issue of immigration we believe we are right”, Mr Rogán said.