The reinforced legal border barrier will come into force next Tuesday – the related Act has been published in the Hungarian Gazette.

The goal of the Act is to put a complete stop to illegal immigration, to close down the Balkan migration route, to reduce the security risk and to protect Europe’s borders. The stricter regulations are particularly required in view of the fact that Turkey is threatening to withdraw from the EU-Turkey Readmission Agreement, which could lead to a new wave of migrants moving towards Europe and the Hungarian border. Accordingly, we must prepare to be able to successfully defend the border under all circumstances. We can only count on ourselves in this endeavour; Brussels migration policies based on half-solutions have failed.

After the Act comes into force, migrants will be required to remain in one of the transit zones for a final ruling on their asylum requests, migrants of unclear status will not be allowed to enter the territory of Hungary and the EU without authorisation.

The Government decided to reinforce the legal border barrier because of the European terrorist attacks and the worsening European security situation, because migrants regularly abuse EU regulations and the free movement of migrants of unclear status represents a security risk. The Act was adopted by the national Assembly on 7 March. We could once again not count on the socialists and other opposition MPs to help protect Hungary; they again served the interests of the migrants and Brussels, and not those of the Hungarian people.

Hungary is under regular attack because of the reinforcement of the legal border barrier. Brussels and pro-migrant organisations are once again criticizing and threatening Hungary because they cannot accept the fact that Hungary is not prepared to let in illegal immigrants. The Hungarian Government, however, is committed to protecting its borders, and accordingly to protecting the security of EU citizens and Hungarian families.

(Government Information Centre)