Based on the results, the Hungarian people have given the government a robust authorisation to further expand the family support system, Csaba Dömötör said.

Csaba Dömötör, Parliamentary State Secretary of the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister, thanked everyone who stated their opinions in the consultation. According to his communication, the questionnaires were returned by 1,382,000 persons, and so this was the consultation with the third highest participation number. Based on the results, the Hungarian people have given the government a robust authorisation to further expand the family support system.

According to his information, 8 per cent of the questionnaires were completed on the Internet, while 92 per cent were returned by ordinary mail. It is evident on the basis of the replies that the people would like “Hungary to remain a Hungarian country, and to be a family-friendly place”, Mr Dömötör stressed.

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The Parliamentary State Secretary also highlighted that the European Commission believes it is a major achievement that its consultation questionnaire on the future of Europe was completed by 70,000 people. Twenty times that many people took part in the latest “family” consultation. The participation rate – which is also high by European standards – proves that the national consultation is a good opportunity for dialogue during the periods between two elections, he pointed out.

Mr Dömötör said not a single opposition party received as many votes in the elections as the number of people who took part in the latest consultation. He added that they will also send the results of the consultation by e-mail to those who granted the necessary permission.

According to the distributed press release, there were 1,358,861 affirmative answers to the proposition that Hungary’s population decline should not be remedied with immigration, but by providing more robust support for families (99.18 per cent). 1,335,319 respondents (97.52 per cent) agreed that family support programmes should be tied to employment.

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1,345,478 people (98.15 per cent) agreed that young married couples should be given help with starting their married lives. 1,312,063 persons (95.89 per cent) agreed that in the case of more children, families should be given more support, while 1,260,910 persons (93.37 per cent) also agreed that mothers deciding to have at least three children should be given additional benefits.

1,277,906 respondents (93.72 per cent) regard the institution of full-time motherhood as a good decision, while 1,337,350 persons (97.78 per cent) said yes to promoting the employment of women raising children. From among those who completed the questionnaire, 1,352,228 persons (98.79 per cent) support the idea that family members looking after their children at home should receive higher benefits.

The question as to whether the protection of the psychological, spiritual and physical development of children is a value that should also be protected by the Hungarian state was answered in the affirmative in the largest number: 1,360,435 respondents (99.38 per cent) believe that this is the case. 1,348,818 respondents (98.78 per cent) agreed with the basic principle that a child has a right to a mother and a father. 1,328,679 respondents (97.5 per cent) would support the two-thirds protection of the fiscal benefits of families raising children.

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Katalin Novák said the answers confirmed that the Hungarian people see the future in the increased support of Hungarian families and the births of Hungarian children, not in immigration or the promotion of migration.

The proposition that it is important to tie family benefits and allowances to work was also confirmed, as was the proposition that a child has a right to a loving mother and father, the Minister of State said.

Mrs Novák highlighted that through the consultation they were also given a task by the people. Therefore, in the next few weeks decisions will be made which will further extend the family support system.

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According to the communication of the Minister of State, the question related to the protection and safety of children was answered in the affirmative in the highest percentage. This clearly shows that on this issue the state has important duties, she pointed out. She added that the Hungarian people further underlined that young married couples should be given particular support upon the commencement of their married lives, and therefore they will also make recommendations with a view to measures addressing this issue.

Mrs Novák said the consultation – which was a befitting closure for the 2018 Year of Families – will bring Hungarian families further assistance and support.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)