In the past decade, the state grants of organisations representing persons with disabilities have doubled, the appointee of the Prime Minister for priority social affairs said in a video message posted on the government’s Facebook account on Friday.

Zsolt Nyitrai said they are grateful for the essential and responsible work of experts working at interest representations.

In the video message, Minister of State for Social Affairs Attila Fülöp stressed that around 150,000 persons with altered working capacity perform valuable work every day.

The 2021 budget contains an additional HUF 2 billion in grants for these organisations because the government believes and is aware that these people are indeed capable of making a valuable contribution, the politician added.

In the video message, Fidesz Member of Parliament Gergely Tapolczai stressed that while in 2010 only 18 per cent of persons with disabilities worked actively, today this percentage stands at 42 per cent.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)