More and more people are taking part in the national consultation, and in just one day, 67 thousand completed consultation questionnaires were returned to the Government, the Parliamentary State Secretary of the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister told the Hungarian news agency MTI on Tuesday.

Csaba Dömötör said: as a result, the number of questionnaires returned by post stands at almost 330 thousand, and approximately 50 thousand persons stated their views via the Internet.

In the Government’s view, in the background of the high and ever increasing participation rate, we should seek the intensive attacks levelled against Hungary and Hungary’s immigration policy, the State Secretary said. He added that recently, Hungary “has found itself at the centre of attacks from Brussels and the Soros organisations”; Hungary has been placed under unprecedented pressure. According to Mr Dömötör, the Hungarian people have understood that participation in the national consultation is more important today than ever before.

The State Secretary at the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister said thanks on behalf of the Government to those who completed the questionnaires already in the very first days. According to Mr Dömötör, the fact that the people are becoming more inclined to participate in the consultation indicates that Hungarian families themselves fully understand that the questions of the consultation “concern national independence”, and consequently cannot be construed merely on the basis of party policy differences.

This consultation is now about issues on which the Government has a clear position, the State Secretary laid down, stating: they would like to retain control over the fixing of taxes, wages and energy prices, whilst illegal immigration must be stopped. Additionally, they would like to achieve greater transparency in the case of activists funded from abroad. Those who take part in the consultation support the Government in these struggles, Mr Dömötör said.

The State Secretary further highlighted that the attacks coming from the opposition are similar to those that we experienced during the autumn referendum: they dispute the issues themselves, but meanwhile, only a few days ago, they voted for the position of the European Parliament in favour of resettlement. This Brussels report would even eliminate the border fence and closure, Mr Dömötör said, who takes the view: it is not a mere coincidence that Hungary is being attacked at several forums in Brussels this week.

The posting of the questionnaires will be completed by the second week of May. The envelopes containing the answers may be posted until 20 May, the State Secretary reiterated.