“George Soros held a briefing in Brussels and the European Parliament acted accordingly when it voted in favour of the mandatory resettlement quota with no upper threshold”, Minister heading the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister Antal Rogán said on Echo Tv’s Friday evening current affairs program.

“The master didn’t leave the European Parliament all alone”, Mr. Rogán said, adding that a few days before the vote George Soros visited Brussels and met with the MEP responsible for immigration, and who is the greatest proponent of the mandatory resettlement quota.

“The European Parliament acted accordingly when it voted with a large majority to introduce mandatory resettlement with no upper limit, that this must have a permanent mechanism, that the acceptance of immigrants must begin, that family reunification must be made easier and that non-governmental organisations must also be included in the asylum process”, he said.

The Minister also said that the European Commission had supplemented the vote with another decision, according to which it recommends that now that immigration via the Mediterranean has slowed with the onset of winter, 50 thousand immigrants should be “brought in” from Turkey and distributed. In addition, the EP is specifically recommending that immigrants should first be distributed to countries that have so far accepted the lowest number of people, meaning the states of Central Europe.

Mr. Rogán said he believed, and it was worthwhile for every Hungarian citizen to believe, that the European Union is not the Europe of Brussels, and that no matter how hard they try in the end they will not be able to change the contractual procedures that set down the EU’s fundamental constitutional principles.

The Minister said there will be European Parliament elections in 2019, at which the people will decide, and at which in his opinion the question of immigration will be unavoidable. “The standpoints represented by the EU’s institutions can be changed”, he stressed.

In reply to a question concerning the fact that huge forces had been put into action to weaken and disintegrate the Visegrád Group (V4), Mr. Rogán said he believed there was no chance of this happening. “Everyone has their own perspectives, but in the case of the four V4 countries there are a host of areas in which our interests coincide”, he said, citing as example the fact that together, the V4 realise a higher trade flow with Germany than with any other country in the world. “The level of solidarity between left and right wing heads of state within the V4 is surprisingly strong”, he said.

With regard to the fact that the European Parliament is preparing to launch Article 7 proceedings against Poland, the Minister said: “It is nonsense, ridiculous and unimaginable for a procedure such as the one aimed at Poland to be performed against a member state for domestic policy reasons, and this has absolutely nothing to do with the European Union’s true values”.

Mr. Rogan said right-wing Hungarian party Jobbik was prepared to do anything for power and money. “When they needed money they came to an agreement with Lajos Simicska, now that they want power they have no qualms about coming to an agreement with Ferenc Gyurcsány’s party and the left, who they previously denounced in the strongest possible terms”, he explained.

“Looking at the alliances that are being brokered, it is not impossible that a Gyurcsány-Vona government could be formed” said the Minister, according to whom, however, life doesn’t work this way and it is not at all certain that the electorate will think in this way.

Mr. Rogán also said that: “The quotes of recent days prove that Jobbik is a radical party that is not at all disassociated with anti-Semitism. In addition to which they have similar views with regard to the Roma minority as they do about the Jews”.

“We believe that all of the minorities in Hungary deserve protection, that the Hungarian Jewry and Hungarian Roma minority are valuable, and that we must stand up to protect them and their culture”, declared Mr. Rogán, according to whom Jobbik represents precisely the opposite viewpoint.

“We must also think about what principles and interests they represent”, he said, referring to Point 7 of the Soros Plan, according to which any government that stands in the way of European migration policy must be cleared away. “Based on this, it is even right to become allies with the devil in the interests of achieving this goal”, he said, explaining that: “The left-wing intelligentsia has received their orders from those who have been financing them until now, the Soros organisations, according to which even Jobbik must be painted white, because the point is to try and form a joint government that will open the borders”. “Their goal is for all of them, from Gyurcsány to Vona, to eventually join ranks”, the Minister said.

“The departure of László Botka means Ferenc Gyurcsány is now standing before the gates, and they can hardly wait for him to enter. He is once again the one blowing the trade winds and dictating what should happen”, he said.

Mr. Rogán also said the country must be protected from external forces, in addition to which the achievements realised so far must also be protected. “Today we are in a situation in which we have regained the public utility sector, have introduced the reduction of public utility prices and are capable of maintaining these achievements. The country’s finances are in order, the rate of unemployment is the lowest in the European Union, and wages are also slowly and continuously increasing”, the Minister said, listing some of the government’s achievements.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister)