The adoption of the Digital Prosperity Programme in December 2015 also meant that the Government had decided on the development of specialised digital strategies.

Some one hundred experts from professional and non-governmental organisations, the private sector, universities and science we involved in developing Hungary’s Digital Education Strategy, Hungary’s Digital Child Protection Strategy, Hungary’s Digital Export Development Strategy and Hungary’s Digital Start-up Strategy. The development of each the individual strategies was competed over the course of a full year by groups of experts supervised by the heads of the relative working groups: they drew up the details strategies, participated in the required professional and public administration negotiations and developed and prepared a system an schedule for the efficient implementation of the strategies. During the one year of preparative work the working groups held a total of some 200 discussions and accumulated some 2 gigabytes of written, video and audio documentation.

The redemption of the unlimited and exclusive copyrights to the documents prepared by the experts occurred according to the relative public procurement regulations; during the procedures, the experts were represented by a copyright collective they had appointed. The copyright work was remunerated at an average rate of 12.000 Ft/hour, which is relatively low according to preliminary evaluations, and which the experts accepted. The four digital strategies were discussed in detail on several occasions by the professional forums, after which they were authorised and recommended to the Cabinet for adoption. The digital strategies were duly adopted by the Cabinet, and accordingly the first stage of work has been completed and the implementation process can now begin.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister)