Prior to the referendum, the Government launched an information campaign in the interests of informing every Hungarian citizen about the referendum and the most important risks associated with mandatory relocation.

The total cost of the public service advertisements and political adverts published between the launch of the referendum and the referendum itself (The Let’s Send Brussels a Message, the Did You Know? and the Let’s Not Risk It campaigns) was 5.9 billion forints net. The use of net amounts is justified in view of the fact that the VAT is returned to the central budget. The Government asked the agencies tasked with booking advertising space to apply a wide range of instruments in the interests of the widest possible coverage. The Government also sent information letters and leaflets to households, the total cost of which was 875 million forints gross. The gross amount is applied in this case because although printing services were provided by Hungarian Official Journal Newspaper and Book Publishing Limited, the publications were sent to households by the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister via the Central Office for Public Administrative and Electronic Public Services (hereafter: KEKKH). The source materials were provided to the KEKKH within the framework of a three-page agreement, which – since it is a contract between budgetary institutions – contains a gross amount. The above figures may change to a minor extent in view of the fact that compliance checking is still in process.

According to the Government’s standpoint, the information campaigns contributed to the coming about of a 3.3 million strong community, a new national unity in rejection of mandatory relocation. This community is taking a stand to ensure that only the Hungarians can decide on issues that fundamentally determine their future.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister)