At a press conference in Budapest, Minister of State for Government Communication Bence Tuzson said that every effort must be made to counter terrorist threats triggered by migration, and one of the most important of these means is the migrant quota referendum on 2 October.

Mr. Tuzson recalled that a new era in the history of terrorism began fifteen years ago with 9/11. Now, however, terror “has moved to Europe” as well, and some three hundred people have lost their lives as a result of various terrorist attacks over the past year.

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Nevertheless, he said, the majority of migrants are victims: victims of their own governments, of the European Union’s misguided migration policy and of people smugglers. “Terror has moved in with the people of Europe, together with migrants”, he said.

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The causes of terror must be eliminated, because there will be no full security until that happens; that is why migration must be stopped, and one of the most important means of this is the referendum, Mr. Tuzson said – and thus on 2 October we should all say “no” to mandatory relocation. He also highlighted some of the measures the Government has introduced – for instance the physical and legislative border barrier and the forces patrolling the border. He added that the quota referendum is a national issue which stands above party politics.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)