On the occasion of National Police Day, Prime Ministerial Commission Zsolt Nyitrai thanked the police for their work in the name of the government and the governing parties.

At his press conference, Mr. Nyitrai spoke about the fact that the terrorist threat in Europe has become permanent since the beginning of the wave of mass migration, “and where the migrants appear, crime multiplies”. According to the Commissioner, this is not the case in Hungary, people here can still live in safety, and this is thanks to a significant extent to the efforts of the police and of Hungarian police officers.

On the occasion of National Police Day, Prime Ministerial Commissioner Zsolt Nyitrai passed on the thanks and appreciation of the government and the governing parties to the police and police employees, who, as he explained, are protecting the borders and security, and who perform their important duties on every day of the year, including weekends and public holidays. The Commissioner also thanked the police for having provided competent and professional security at recent protests and indicated that the Government would also be expressing its thanks to the police in an advert in the police magazine “Zsaru”.

Mr. Nyitrai stressed that since 2010 the police have been significantly reinforced both in numbers and with regard to their equipment and level of organisation. “Police have received new vehicles, new personal protection gear and modern border protection equipment, in addition to which they have also received financial recognition thanks to the 2015 launch of the police career model, which will gradually provide an average pay increase of 50 percent by 2019”, he told the press.

According to the Prime Ministerial Commissioner, this is important because it helps make a career in the police force more attractive.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)