At a press conference on Tuesday, Bence Tuzson, Minister of State for Government Communication at the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister said in relation to the axe attack in Germany that the Government was shocked by the event. He expressed his sympathy with the injured on behalf of the Government of Hungary.

On Monday evening, close to Würzburg, Bayern, a seventeen years old Afghani man attacked passengers of a train and injured at least five people. Among the young man’s belongings, authorities found a home-made Islamic State flag, and Amak, a news agency related to the Islamic State announced that the Afghani asylum seeker committed the attack as a “fighter” of the terrorist organisation.

Mr. Tuzson pointed out that this incident too proves that there is a close correlation between migration and terrorism.

Since the beginning of the current wave of migration more than 300 people have lost their lives in various terrorist attacks across Europe, public security is deteriorating constantly. Europe has changed: the safety of everyday life has disappeared, thus the concern raised by Europe’s citizens is justified, Mr. Tuzson said, raising the question of how many people have yet to die for Brussels to finally change its migration policy. On 2 October, it will be the people of Hungary, who will first have the opportunity to first say their opinions on Brussels’ migration policy and on mandatory relocation.

The Minister of State also spoke about the information campaign on the referendum on mandatory relocation. He said that in the coming days, information regarding the referendum will be published on all media surfaces. The exact costs of the campaign will only be final at the end of it, as the provisions for it are set in a framework agreement, he added.
