“The election fraud committed by the Soros network must be investigated”, Minister of State for Government Communication Bence Tuzson said, indicating: in recent days advertisements attacking the government have appeared on the internet behind which lie one of Soros’s giant internet activist networks, Avaaz.

“The people of the Soros network, who are attempting to influence the Hungarian parliamentary elections in an illegal manner from abroad and using foreign funding, are preparing to commit election fraud”, Mr. Tuzson said.

“The obvious goal of Avaaz, the largest and most powerful Soros organisation, is to depose Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and Hungary’s national government”, he said. “This organisation is present in 194 countries and has 46 million members, and primarily operates using George Soros’s money, running internet campaigns”, he explained, underlining the fact that they have already influenced the results of the Canadian, American, French and Italian elections in this manner, campaigning against the anti-immigration candidates in all cases.

According to the Minister of State, prior to the elections is can be felt that the organisation’s activities have also increased in Hungary, for instance in internet adverts, circulars and financial donations to the candidates supported by George Soros.

“This means that George Soros and his people are now trying to influence the Hungarian elections from the outside at a cost of hundreds of thousands of dollars”, Mr. Tuzson said. “The ‘Soros Empire’ wants to set up a pro-immigration government, which Hungary and the Hungarian Government firmly reject. We cannot allow the results of the Hungarian elections to be influenced from abroad using foreign monies”, he underlined, calling the events a gross intervention.

“The Government is asking the authorities to investigate the case immediately. We are asking the data protection authority to examine how foreign organisations have been able to acquire the personal data of Hungarian citizens”, the Minister of State said.

“Hungary’s national sovereignty must be protected, and for this reason the Cabinet is taking appropriate legal action prior to the elections”, he declared.