“In its reply to the Hungarian Government, the European Commission has admitted that the Syrian terrorist was indeed given a debit card”, the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister’s Parliamentary State Secretary declared on Kossuth Radio’s “Sunday Papers” show.

Csaba Dömötör said: “According to official data, 60 thousand people received such debit cards in January alone within the framework of the programme, which is financed out of European taxpayers’ money, and which, as it has transpired, the terrorists are also exploiting”. “I am not saying that all of the immigrants who come to Europe are terrorists, but there are many examples of extremists who perpetrate ruthless terrorist attacks being in Europe because they claim to be refugees”, the State Secretary said.

According to Mr. Dömötör, the case of Syrian citizen Hassan F. also proves that even if people are registered, the authorities cannot efficiently monitor who applies to receive such cards, and this is further expanding the gap in Europe’s security shield. “Not to mention the fact that this kind of funding represents an ‘invitation’ to further millions to come to Europe”, he added.

With relation to security, he also mentioned that the European Parliament (EP) report estimates the number of European citizens who fought for the Islamic State terrorist organisation at between 3900 and 4300. “Some of these people have already retuned to Europe, and the remainder are expected to return now that the terrorist organisation has disintegrated”, he explained.

Mr. Dömötör also spoke about the fact that one after the other, the EP is adopting resolutions in which the common element is that they take a stand in favour of legalizing illegal immigration.

“They want to legalize what until now has been illegal immigration, but in contrast the Hungarian Government wants to stop it”, he stressed.

The State Secretary said that it has transpired from the pan-European survey previously ordered by the Government that the majority of Europeans are not happy about immigration and feel they have not provided a mandate for what is now happening. This is why we must “execute a major turn of the Brussels political steering wheel”, which may be forced at the May elections, Mr. Dömötör pointed out.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)