The Government is extending the deadline for the returning of National Consultation questionnaires until 30 May, based on the proposal put forward by the Fidesz Parliamentary Group. It is already certain that this will be the most successful government consultation to date, in view of the fact that the number of participants so far has already exceeded one-and-a-half million.

The extension of the deadline is justified in view of the fact that tens of thousands of questionnaires are still arriving every day, and the Government would like to assure that every Hungarian citizen has the chance to voice their opinion.

The extension of the deadline is also justified by the current disputes with Brussels, and is also a good opportunity for opposition parties to finally put forward their standpoints with regard to these issues, which are of key importance to the future of the country. This is something we also have a right to expect in view of the fact that left-wing MEPs recently voted in favour of adopting the European Parliament resolution aimed at introducing the quota system for mandatory resettlement and attacking Hungary’s border barrier.

(Government Communication Centre)