“The Government will be forwarding the most important messages formulated at the forums held on the future of Europe to the European Commission and to French President Emmanuel Macron. The French President previously himself proposed that there should be a state consultation on the future of Europe in every member state”, the Parliamentary State Secretary of the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister said in a statement to public media.

Csaba Dömötör told reporters: There was a full house at the forums held in the capital and several major cities. “The forums have confirmed the Government’s view that security is most important to the people of Hungary”, he said.

“It has also become clear that the Hungarians would like a Europe based on the cooperation of nations, and not an open society”, he added.

“It was also discussed that the Hungarians would not like the most important decisions to be taken out of their hands, as well as the issue of how Hungarian farmland can continue to be kept in Hungarian hands”, he said.

“At the events, all issues were discussed with relation to which Hungary is in dispute with Brussels, including taxation, the determination of energy prices, and the issue of immigration”, the State Secretary told the press.

“The Sargentini Report received heavy criticism, as did those Hungarian MEPs who voted in favour of the Report”, Mr. Dömötör explained. “The Government will be sticking to its existing policies”, he underlined.

“The most important decisions and strategically important spheres of competence must be kept in our hands, because if they are taken out of our hands, then with relation to immigration, taxation and energy prices there will be no opportunity for correction in future”, he stated.

He also said that the events of recent days with relation to the debate on immigration have confirmed that we can expect “a long struggle”.

“According to the Hungarian Government, we need a Europe of nations based on Christian democracy, as envisaged by the EU’s founders, which is at odds with an open society Europe”, the Parliamentary State Secretary of the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister underlined.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)