“The Government does not wish to modify its immigration policy under any circumstances, because its regards the security of the people of Hungary and Europe as its priority”, Minister of State for Government Communication Bence Tuzson said.

“The European Union has launched infringement proceedings against Hungary and sent another letter regarding the issue about two weeks ago in which they put forward further questions with relation to the legal border barrier and transit zones”, Mr. Tuzson recalled.

According to the Minister of State, the questions must be replied to by 17 June. “At its last meeting, the Cabinet decided not to modify its immigration policy and is ready to face the Commission’s proceedings if required or Court proceedings if necessary”, he added, noting that “The Government is reinforced in this by the National Consultation, in which 1 million 660 thousand people have participated so far”.

“We do not wish to demolish the fence, we insist on the transit zones, the legal border barrier, and the fact that we will continue to conform to the Schengen regulations and protect the European Union’s external borders”, Mr. Tuzson declared.

“The European Commission is objecting to the transit zones and the related regulations, and to the tightening of the legal border barrier, when in fact, contrary to the claims of the Commission, the transit zones in no way correspond to the detainment of asylum seekers in view of the fact that people who have voluntarily entered a transit zone are free to leave the territory of the transit zone at any time”, he said. “In addition, the transit zones are not guarded and provide for all the necessary care and facilities, as well as including areas that are specifically designed for unaccompanied children, families, single men and women”, he added.

Mr. Tuzson also said that the threat of terrorism has become permanent in Europe and the latest attack in Manchester indicates that children have become the target of terrorism. “This is unacceptable”, he declared, adding that the European Union must do everything possible to assure the safety of children, and accordingly should rethink it behaviour. According to the Minister of State, Brussels is ignoring the danger posed by terrorists.

Mr. Tuzson said it was unacceptable that in its recent ruling against Hungary the European Parliament took a stance in defence of Ahmed H., who had been convicted of terrorism by a Hungarian court. Accordingly, Hungary will be putting the case before the UN, the Council of Europe, the OECD and NATO, asking that they examine whether the Court’s decision is compatible with the fact that the fundamental goal of Europe and the whole world is currently to prevent terrorism.

“As summer approaches, migration pressure on Hungary’s borders is also increasing, and in addition to the various organisations that are funded by George Soros, Brussels in now also putting pressure on Hungary”, he noted.
