“The Hungarian Government absolutely and resolutely rejects every point of the ‘Soros Plan’, and continues to be against allowing one million migrants into Europe every year, the demolishing of the border security fence, the 9 million forints in aid to be provided to every migrant and the mandatory resettlement quota, in addition to which it also rejects the punishment of Central European countries”, Minister of State or Government Communication Bence Tuzson said at a press conference in Budapest on Wednesday.

“We accept that there ae immigrant countries in Europe, but we also ask that immigrant countries accept that there are states that do not want immigration”, Mr. Tuzson stressed.

“In view of the fact that we cannot count on the opposition parties in this battle here in Hungary, the Government is again turning to the people of Hungary and asking everyone who cares about the country’s independence and sovereignty, and for whom Hungary’s security and national culture is important, to take part in the National Consultation on the Soros Plan”, he added.

DownloadPhoto: Gergely Botár/kormany.hu

In reply to a question, the Minister of State told reporters: The questions of the National Consultation, which will be put forward with relation to seven topics, will be ready within a few days, following which the Consultation will begin at the earliest opportunity.

According to Mr. Tuzson, the “Soros Plan” is dangerous to Hungary, and could influence Hungary’s fate not for 1-2 or 10-10 years, but for centuries to come.

The most important point of the “Soros Plan” is that 1 million immigrants should come to Europe every year, and this is what George Soros put forward in September 2015 on the Project Syndicate website, arguing that this would be a way to handle labour shortages and demographic problems in Europe, he told the press.

According the Minister of State, Hungary’s border barrier is standing in the way of the realisation of the “Soros Plan”, and as a result George Soros is doing everything possible in the interests of having the fence demolished.

Mr. Tuzson cited statements by George Soros in an interview for Bloomberg on 30 October 2015 in which he spoke about the fact the national borders represent the greatest obstacle to the realisation of his plan.

According to Mr. Tuzson, George Soros also suggested that migrants should be given 15 thousand euros each for the first two year to cover the costs of accommodation, healthcare and education. This is equal to some nine million forints over a period of two years, he pointed out, adding that George Soros plans to use these financial benefits to ensure that the migration pressure he is planning can be maintained.

The Minister of State pointed out that in an article published in the Financial Times in July 2015, George Soros also spoke about the fact that the distribution of immigrants among member states must be permanent and mandatory, and that if this does not become a permanent and mandatory element of the European Union’s migration system, then the EU will collapse.

“The ‘Soros Plan’ also includes the fact that political attacks must be launched against countries that are against migrating, and that they must be hit with tough fines”, he continued.  According to Mr. Tuzson, on 30 June of last year in Brussels, George Soros suggested that in the interests of handling the migration crisis the EU should reduce agricultural and cohesion funding, which would be particularly unfavourable to Central Europe, and in it Hungary and Poland.

“Hungary and Poland are standing in the way of George Soros because of the opinions they have put forward with relation to migration, and as a result he wants to achieve result by applying pressure to both countries”, he noted.

In reply to a question on why the government is not citing more recent statements by George Soros in which he no longer talks about one million immigrants, but about 300 thousand migrants, Mr. Tuzson said: the figure of one million regularly crops up in European thinking, and the most important written statement by George Soros also concerned this figure.

DownloadPhoto: Gergely Botár/kormany.hu

In reply to a question concerning what justifies government offices removing Jobbik’s advertisements, the Minister of State said: “This is a matter for the authorities, and the people of Hungary are right to expect everyone to abide by the law and for the relative authority to enforce this”.

In reply to a question concerning why a furniture factory with ties to Ádám Matolcsy received half a billion forints in EU funding, the inister of State said he was unaware of the concrete case in question, but that in Hungary nobody “with a certain name”, or who knows somebody, enjoys an advantage or suffers any disadvantage. “If someone in Hungary requests funding or submits a tender application, and it conforms to legal requirements, then they can be lawfully be awarded those monies”, he added.