In addition to the Advocate-General of the European Court of Justice, today the European Commission in Brussels is also attempting to exert further pressure on those member states that reject the Soros plan and the mandatory resettlement of migrants. This is indicated by the fact that they are accelerating the implementation of the Soros plan. The Brussels Commission is threatening Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic despite the fact that the court case concerning the quota is still ongoing. Brussels is nevertheless attempting to use all possible instruments to force the quota onto us as rapidly as possible.

The Hungarian Government sees the solution to the migration crisis in the protection of the EU’S external borders, not in the resettlement and distributions of migrants, and accordingly it is doing everything possible to protect the borders of Hungary and the European Union. Hungary has spent 260 billion forints (EUR 851 million) of its own resources on border protection; Brussels has not contributed to these costs. Existing Hungarian law guarantees the effective protection of borders. Brussels’ attack against the rejection of the quota and the transit zone is nothing less than an attempt to demolish Hungary’s immigration policy and the border security fence.

(Government Communication Centre)