“On the issue of immigration, the opposition parties are taking a stand that it at odds with the interests of the country: they would demolish the border barrier and authorise the mandatory admittance programme”, the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister’s Parliamentary State Secretary said on Hungarian M1 television’s Tuesday morning current affairs program.

According to Csaba Dömötör, this is confirmed by the fact that in Brussels opposition politicians have voted in favour of everything that facilitates migration. “The Government is concentrating on protecting the borders, however”, he added.

Among the Government’s achievements in recent years, the State Secretary highlighted the fact that continuous development programmes are also ongoing within the healthcare system and hospitals and clinics have been modernised or are in the process of being refurbished in hundreds of places.

Mr. Dömötör also stressed that the country is a lot more independent economically than it was in 2010. “And if the country is more independent economically then it has a greater chance of making decisions that help the lives of every Hungarian family, such as the family tax allowance and other family benefits”, he pointed out.

Speaking on Kossuth Radio’s “180 Minutes” program, Mr. Dömötör also spoke about the fact that the goal of assuring that there is a determining ratio of Hungarian ownership within strategic sectors is one of the important criteria of the Government’s economy-related decisions. As an example he mentioned that this ratio used to be low within the banking and media sectors, but is now over 50 percent in both sectors. In addition, the Government has succeeded in regaining important “bridgeheads”, and it is as a result of this that they succeeded in reducing utility costs, for example, he explained.