On Monday, Csaba Dömötör, Parliamentary State Secretary at the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister told public television channel M1 that in his view the political Left still represents a pro-immigration position.

Mr. Dömötör said this reacting to a statement by President of the Hungarian Socialist Party (MSZP) Gyula Molnár, who said that the Socialists still urge voters and their supporters not to attend the referendum on relocation quotas.

The State Secretary pointed out the this statement clearly shows that the Socialists are still not willing to give a straight answer to the simple question whether they will cast a “yes” or a “no” vote at the referendum. He added that “their call to boycott the referendum is a clear proof of this”.

Mr. Dömötör said that everyone could justly expect a parliamentary party to “give an honest answer to a question that will greatly influence the future of Europe and Hungary”. MSZP’s attitude however shows that the political Left is still representing a pro-immigration position.

The Parliament ordered the referendum on compulsory relocation quotas initiated by the Government 10 May. Based on President János Áder’s decision, the referendum will be held on 2 October. The question put forward at the referendum will be: “Do you want the European Union to prescribe the relocation of non-Hungarian citizens into Hungary without the approval of the Hungarian Parliament?”