According to the Government Information Centre and the larger governing party, Fidesz, pro-immigration politicians are preventing the appointment of László Trócsányi to the post of European Commissioner.

The parties issued statements in reaction to the fact that on Thursday the European Parliament’s Committee on Legal Affairs (JURI) determined that there is a conflict of interest between the appointment of László Trócsányi as EU Commissioner and the state commissions to the Nagy and Trócsányi legal office. According to one of the Committee’s deputy chairs, Green Party German MEP Sergei Lagodinsky, 11 members of the legal committee voted against the hearing of the Hungarian politician nominated for the post of the European Commission’s Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Policy. 9 MEPs supported his hearing.

In a statement to Hungarian news agency MTI, the Government Information Centre wrote: The EP’s pro-immigration members “cannot abide” the fact that the new Commission should have a member who served as Minister of Justice at the time when Hungary closed its borders to immigrants. “The pro-immigration forces would like to open the borders to immigrants, just as the new Italian government is opening the ports to them”, the Centre added.

In a statement on Thursday, Fidesz said: “The pro-immigration forces are doing everything possible to prevent the appointment of László Trócsányi to the post of Commissioner, and are placing renewed pressure on Hungary”.

“They know full well that the post of Commissioner earmarked for László Trócsányi is also of key importance with relation to migration, since as Commissioner for Enlargement he could do much to ensure the stability of the Western Balkan countries and ensure that they reinforce their border protection and stop migration”, the statement reads. “This is not in the interests of the pro-immigration forces, however”, the party statement highlighted.

According to Fidesz, “It is depressing that the Hungarian opposition parties are once again working against Hungary, and are once again serving the pro-immigration forces in opposition to the will of the Hungarian people”.