“The pro-immigration majority is launching a final, desperate attack against Hungary”, Minister heading the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister Antal Rogán said prior to the 18th annual Civil Picnic in Kötcse, near Lake Balaton.

“At the gathering, the Prime Minister will be speaking about the fact that the most important event of the upcoming period in Europe will be the 2019 European Parliament elections, the topic of which will be immigration”, Mr. Rogán said.

“Immigration has brought about a democracy deficit in Europe in view of the fact that the majority of the European Parliament and the European Commission are pro-immigration, but the European people are increasingly rejecting immigration, and it would seem that the majority of the EP are refusing to accept this”, he said.

“Europe needs a new EP and Commission in which pro-immigration politicians are not in the majority, and as a result of which order will be restored”, he said.

“The pro-immigration EP majority is refusing to accept the opinion of the people, and will not be backing down from their position during the upcoming months”, he added.

“This pro-immigration majority is launching a final, desperate attack against Hungary; this is what the Sargentini Report is all about”, Mr. Rogán said.

With relation to the debate on the document concerning the state of the rule of law in Hungary, which is due to be held in the European Parliament this Tuesday, the Minister explained: “It makes no difference what decision is made in the EP, because the opinion of the pro-immigration majority is increasingly unimportant”.

“What is important is what the people say at the EP elections in May 2019”, he underlined.

According to Mr. Rogán, the situation that has arisen in the EP resembles a “banana republic”: they are trying to “forget about” votes in abstention to ensure that the pro-immigration side achieves a majority.

“This is ridiculous and unfair, the pro-immigration forces are attempting to abuse their power”, he declared.

“Hungary must reject the pressure that the pro-immigration politicians are attempting to place on it”, he stressed.

Prior to the meeting, Parliamentary State Secretary Bence Rétvári from the Ministry of Human Capacities told the press: “As we approach the EP elections the debate on immigration is becoming visibly more heated, and it is becoming increasingly clear who are in favour of immigration and who oppose it”.

“We are bound by the opinion of the Hungarian people, as voiced during the National Consultation and at the parliamentary elections”, he added.

MEP Tamás Deutsch declared: The Sargentini Report is “full of narrow-minded, deceptive claims”.

As an example he mentioned that the Report regards the fact that the National Assembly has provided the opportunity for the establishment of a public administration court system in Hungary, similarly to the systems that are already in operation in the vast majority of EU countries, as a decision that is endangering European values.

“If by doing so Hungary is endangering European fundamental values, then practically every member state of the EU has been doing just that for a very long time”, he pointed out.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)