“The referendum on the EU quota system will not determine the future of Europe and Hungary for the next one or two years, but for the next five to ten years, and in fact for the next century” the Minister of State for Government Communication stressed, adding that it is a long-term issue of national strategy.

Bence Tuzson highlighted on M1 Hungarian Television’s Friday morning current events program: Hungary has not given up its freedom to decide. The referendum on the resettlement quota is about the people of Hungary being able to retain the right to decide who they want to live with.

In addition, it is the Government’s task and duty with relation to both the people of Hungary and the European Union to protect Hungary’s borders, he added, stressing that migration pressure on Hungary’s southern borders is increasing again and accordingly growing numbers of police and military personnel are being deployed there. Mr. Tuzson also said that a fence must also be constructed along Hungary’s border with Romania if required.

The Minister of State also said that Greece should be protecting Europe’s external borders. According to Mr. Tuzson, Europe would be strong enough to stop the migration process; Europe’s total population is higher than that of the United States or Russia and it has significant economic strength – all it requires is a unified will.

On Monday, the National Election Commission (NEC) validated the Government’s initiative to hold a referendum on the compulsory resettlement quota. The question submitted is as follows: “Do you agree that the European Union should have the power to impose the compulsory settlement of non-Hungarian citizens in Hungary without the consent of the National Assembly of Hungary?”.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)