All signs point to the fact that the Soros network is already looking for houses for the resettlement of migrants”. Minister of State for Government Communication Bence Tuzson said at a press conference on Tuesday.

The Minister of State showed reporters a request for information in the public interest, in which an employee of the Helsinki Committee requested a list of empty state-owned properties in Budapest.

The Government will not issue this list and is prepared to go to court if necessary, Mr. Tuzson declared, however.

“We expect the court procedure to make obvious what we otherwise already know and suspect, that the Helsinki Committee’s clear goal is to resettle migrants in Hungary, and to also find suitable properties for this purpose”, he added.

“The organisations that are being funded by George Soros are working to change Hungary and turn it into an immigrant country”, he stressed.

“This is not the first sign on the part of the Soros networks in view of the fact that the opposition forces that are linked to him and in alliance with him have already stated on several occasions how they are making preparations for the resettlement and how they plan to procure housing for the migrants”, he added. He pointed out that the MSZP-Párbeszéd party’s candidate for Prime Minister, Gergely Karácsony had asked for former military barracks and local government housing to be catalogued, and Gábor Vágó from the LMP party had proposed that a list of Hungary’s 150 thousand empty private homes should be compiled.

“Accordingly, all signs indicate that the Soros network’s people are already looking for housing in the interests of the resettlement of migrants”, the Minister of State said.

If “Soros’s people” come to power at the 8 April elections, they will go ahead with the resettlement and “will settle immigrants in both municipality-owned and privately-owned flats”, he declared.

Mr. Tuzson was asked who had requested the public information, because according to a statement by the Helsinki Committee they have not done so. The Minister of State said the request had been submitted on 7 May by a lawyer “who has extremely close ties to the Helsinki Committee”. “It is obvious and we have every reason to assume that the request was made on behalf of the Helsinki Committee, this gentleman is linked to the Helsinki Committee by a thousand strands”, he said.

In reply to a question concerning why the Government isn’t repealing the 2015 decree concerning the establishment of two temporary receiving stations, the Minister of State said: “The legal background is one thing”, but what is important is that the Hungarian Government will not resettle illegal immigrants in Hungary and will not allow them to cross the border or allow others to settle migrants here.

In reply to a question Mr. Tuzson said the statement on women by Jobbik party candidate Dávid Janicsák was unacceptable. “People who behave so disrespectfully in private conversation or in the workplace have no place in Hungarian politics”, he said.

The Minister of State was asked several questions with relation to the case of Minister without Portfolio for the Development of Cities with County Rights Lajos Kósa, which involves some 1300 billion forints, including why Mr. Kósa’s programmes are being cancelled recently. Mr. Tuzson said “Lajos Kósa is working, he is performing his ministerial duties, including some that are public and others that are performed in the background”. “Lajos Kósa has said everything with relation to the case, and by initiating legal proceedings has also taken a clear stand on the issue”, he stressed. In reply to a question concerning the details of the case, he told reporters: “The authorities will investigate what documents were falsified and how they attempted to mislead Lajos Kósa in the case”.

With relation to Zsolt Semjén’s hunting trips to Sweden and the question of how political gifts and private gifts can be differentiated, Mr. Tuzson said Zsolt Semjén has replied to the questions concerning the case, pointing out that if it weren’t for the election campaign, the issue wouldn’t even have been raised.

In reply to a question concerning whether the Government was planning on launching an investigation into the case concerning Minister of State Zsolt Szabó’s offshore bank account, Mr. Tuzson said: “Zsolt Szabó has called the claims and absolute lie and has initiated legal action in the case, meaning that from now on it is up to the judicial authority to investigate the case”.

Also in reply to a question, the Minister of State for Government Communication said the contents of a recent article on the embezzlement of EU funding published by Hungarian daily Magyar Nemzet were “a pathetic lie”, adding that in his opinion the claims made with relation to the case are so stupid that they cannot have been written while sober.