“The National Consultation on immigration and the mandatory resettlement quota that will be launched by the Government in early October is expected to include seven questions”, the Cabinet Office of the Prime Ministers’ Parliamentary State Secretary, Csaba Dömötör said on Kossuth Radio’s “Sunday Paper” program.

The Consultation will cover the proposals for the resettlement of one million immigrants and the border barrier. In addition, it will also include a question on the plan to provide every immigrant with 9 million forints of state funding. The questionnaire will be returnable by pre-paid post, but can also be filled out and sent in via the internet.

“In September 2015, businessman George Soros put forward his plan, in which he proposed the acceptance of one million refugees every year”, Mr. Dömötör said.

“This ‘inspired’ EU decision-makers, who by 2016 had developed a proposal for the unlimited distribution of migrants and the sanctions that should be used to penalise countries that are not willing to participate”, he said.

Mr. Dömötör indicated that according to a German government source, each migrant is costing German taxpayers some 2500 euros every year.

“Brussels wants to distribute these financial and other burdens, and risks, among EU member states”, he added.

“We must differentiate between refugees and economic immigrant”, Mr. Dömötör declared.

“Hungary is providing assistance to all refugees who are being persecuted, but the statistics indicate that the majority of people arriving in Europe are economic immigrants, who very often pose as refugees using false documents, and exploit loopholes in existing legislation”, the State secretary said.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)