“The majority of people were fully aware of what was at stake as Sunday’s parliamentary elections, and the result is absolutely clear: their homeland, their culture and their security are all important to the Hungarians”, the Parliamentary State Secretary of the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister declared on Hungarian M1 television’s Wednesday evening current affairs program.

Csaba Dömötör said this message would continue to represent an obligation for the Government in future.

“The electorate is very punishing towards political forces that are not prepared to acknowledge the problems that are inherent in immigration, or which perhaps even support this process”, he said.

The State Secretary said it was “nonsense” that the losing parties are talking about possible election fraud. “Fifty thousand people were working to ensure that the voting occurred correctly”, he stressed, thanking those involved for their efforts.

Mr. Dömötör added that he felt it was strange that certain opposition parties are insulting the electorate and are not drawing the conclusion that they had not sided with the majority on determining issues such as immigration, for instance.

“Sunday’s elections do not mean that the pressure on Hungary has subsided”, the Parliamentary State Secretary said, adding that the EU wants to finalise its resettlement programme within the upcoming months.

The topic will “remain with us unabated”, Mr. Dömötör said.