“The elections on 8 April will be crucial; it must be decided whether the fence should stay up, and the future of Hungary could be determined for the next hundred years”, Minister of State for Government Communication Bence Tuzson said on Hungarian M1 television’s Friday morning show.

“The European Parliament it beginning its final full year in its current composition. The powers linked to George Soros will be trying to push through the system of mandatory quotas”, he said, adding: “This must not be allowed; this is what April’s Parliamentary elections in Hungary are about”.

Concerning the fact that the European Commission’s formal letter of notice with relation to the quotas has arrived at the Ministry of Justice, Mr. Tuzson pointed out: Malta is the only EU member state to have fully implemented the quota decision, for example Austria has only fulfilled 1.8 percent of its quota and Slovakia has only fulfilled 1 percent, but the EC has nevertheless only launched infringement proceedings against the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland.

“Hungary will be putting forward its arguments, for instance that the quota is not a solution to the migration crisis, but instead the EU’s external borders should be reinforced and problems should be handled where they arise”, he added.

With reference to the fact that the Romanian Prime Minister threatened anyone who raises the Szekler flag in their own homeland with hanging, Mr. Tuzson stressed: there may be disputes, but this is unacceptable in Europe; we must stand up for Transylvanian Hungarians.