According to the Minister heading the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister, all the opposition parties which made it to Parliament received fewer votes combined than the Fidesz-KDNP party alliance, and when the opposition disputes the result, in actual fact they are trying to escape from their own responsibility. In an interview published on the news portal Origo on Friday, Antal Rogán confirmed that they are preparing for forming a new government, and the directions for its course of action were designated by the Hungarian people on 8 April. He laid down that the solution to demographic problems lies in boosting the number of births locally, rather than in immigration.

The politician took the view that “winning a parliamentary election with a two-thirds majority three times in a row is an historic result. The latest election has given the government a very robust mandate.”

In his view, they won a major election struggle, and in the campaign the people had the opportunity to thoroughly acquaint themselves with the positions of all the parties running in the elections regarding the country’s most important issues. He added that in the Sunday elections the Hungarian people had adopted a decision “with a convincing majority”, and had identified the questions that were important for them: stopping migration and defending national sovereignty.

Mr Rogán said they are not preparing for a continuation, they are preparing for forming a new government. “Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and Fidesz-KDNP’s political community continue to rely on everyone’s contribution, but not in relation to the same responsibilities and not in the same positions”, he said adding that “it is an old custom in Fidesz that we are assigned responsibilities, rather than positions”.

He said at the Wednesday cabinet meeting the Prime Minister thanked his ministers for their work. There will be no new decisions, the ministries are making the necessary preparations for handing over their responsibilities, and ministers will render an account of the work they have completed to the wider public as well, he said. He observed that by the beginning of May there will be far more information regarding the expected structure of the government in the public domain.

In answer to the question as to whether it will be possible to stop the EU resettlement plans at the June EU summit, the Minister said that there will be enormous pressure on the Hungarian government to adopt the new European immigration legislation in June.

He said the new Brussels refugee policy is unacceptable because, in his view, it is even worse than the old one. He argued that the essence of the new European refugee policy lies in the ongoing importation and distribution of immigrants within the framework of a permanent mechanism. “We do not want any of this”, he stressed.

According to Mr Rogán, on 8 April the Hungarian people fully authorised the government to use any means necessary to defend Hungary’s national sovereignty. He indicated that Parliament will repeatedly deal with the constitutional amendment first submitted in 2016 which Jobbik rejected. (Constitutional Amendment No. 7 submitted by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán initiated the prohibition of the resettlement in Hungary of foreign populations.)

The Minister also highlighted that the Stop Soros legislative proposal “will have to be dusted off” and re-tabled, and any new circumstances which have since emerged will also have to be borne in mind. The proposed legislation should be extended, rather than narrowed down, he detailed. In his view, for instance, Avaaz-style manipulation techniques must under any circumstances be taken into consideration when supplementing the Stop Soros legislative package.

The Minister believes attacks against Hungary started as early as on Thursday with the Sargentini report discussed by the European Parliament Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) which is full of lies and factual mistakes. “This is a Soros report. It was prepared by Soros’s organisations and reflects the lies that they have told hundreds of times. The document has a single purpose: to put pressure on the Hungarian cabinet”, he said.

In answer to the question as to whether the procedure under Article Seven will be triggered against Hungary, Mr Rogán said that “there will be cannon fire, but there will be no such procedure” because the Hungarian and Polish governments reassured one another that they would exercise their respective vetoes in the event of political witch-hunts. This is clearly a political witch-hunt as claims to the effect that opposition politicians are being beaten up in Hungary were true in 2006, but not today, he said, highlighting that no procedures of any kind were instituted at the time.

He also said that the International Monetary Fund (IMF), too, is joining “the choir of the UN and Brussels” by trying to present migration as a positive phenomenon. He added that reading the IMF, UN and Brussels documents one begins to get the impression that migration is a miracle cure. This is not true, however. Migration is not a solution to our problems, but the source of further problems.

He continued by saying that migration is a threat to European culture, the security of European people, and rather than solving problems it generates new ones.

Demographic problems must be addressed by supporting families. The solution to demographic problems lies in boosting the number of births locally, rather than in immigration, he said. The Minister said in answer to a question concerning election fraud that the Hungarian people have decided clearly, even a blind person can see that.

“When the opposition disputes the result, in actual fact they are trying to escape from their own responsibility. This is a little childish, but there is democracy so that we can discuss anything”, he said. In Mr Rogán’s view what makes this “political flea circus” evident is that there are an average number of remedy applications lying before the election committees. Not more and not less than four or eight years ago, he remarked.

(Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister/MTI)