“Brussels has absolutely no intention of withdrawing the quota package, and in fact wants to accelerate its implementation”, Parliamentary State Secretary Csaba Dömötör from the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister said in reaction to statements from the leaders of European institutions on Wednesday.

In reply to a message by the President of the European Commission the other day according to which Central Europeans will have to learn to love the quota package, he replied: “We don’t love the quota package, we love Hungary”.

DownloadPhoto: Károly Árvai / kormany.hu

The State Secretary listed as three “particularly dangerous elements” of the quota package the automatic distribution mechanism with no upper limit, the fine that countries who do not want to participate in the system have been threatened with and the simplification of family reunification.

Mr. Dömötör called on everyone to take part in Sunday’s referendum and to vote no. “This referendum is a national issue; this referendum is about the future of Hungary”, he said.

According to the Parliamentary State Secretary, on Wednesday the European Commission announced that “nothing has changed, they will not be changing their politics and compulsory relocation will remain an important goal for Brussels and the Commission”, and that the new Dublin system will be based on a permanent distribution mechanism “in which every Member State must take part”, in addition to making it absolutely clear that they want to develop a system that is also legally binding.

DownloadPhoto: Károly Árvai / kormany.hu

On the subject of accelerating the implementation of the quota package, Mr. Dömötör said it was a telling fact that the European Parliament had also adopted a similar resolution a few days ago, which was also voted for by left-wing parties. “If Brussels were to implement the quota package then resettlement would begin before Christmas and thousands of immigrants will be relocated to Hungary”, he declared.

Among the reasons for rejecting the quota package, Mr. Dömötör cited the major security, cultural and economic risks that cannot be and must not be shouldered, stressing that only the people of Hungary can decide who they want to live with and since “Brussels is contesting this right”, the Government has launched a referendum on the issue.

“The statement on Wednesday by the European Commission is a clear refutation of the standpoint of the Hungarian opposition”, he added. “If these political forces deny this then they are deliberately misleading the people”, he said, and accordingly he called on them to “provide an honest and straight answer as to whether they will be voting yes or no to the Brussels quota package on Sunday”.

DownloadPhoto: Károly Árvai / kormany.hu

“President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker recently declared that the people of Central Europe will have to learn to love the quota package”, the Parliamentary State Secretary said. “We don’t love the quota package; we love Hungary”, he stressed, adding that “We would like to keep Europe the way we know and love it”. “We would like a strong Europe, and in it a strong Hungary, which is capable of protecting the community and capable of protecting its culture”, Mr. Dömötör declared.