“We have been witness to the application of pressure intended as a media event”, Chief Security Advisor to the Prime Minister György Bakondi said on Hungarian M1 current affairs television on Friday with relation to Thursday’s migrant march in Serbia.

Mr. Bakondi said the events were preceded by a process that began two to three months ago, namely the change to the previously stable Serbian migration route. “In addition, a major change has also occurred with relation to numbers: over 4300 migrants have already been apprehended on the Hungarian border this year alone”, he added.

“Around two weeks ago we noticed, primarily on social media and in closed groups, that false pieces of information were being spread among migrants of Arab origin according to which, if they arrive at the border with a child, they will be allowed entry”, he stated.

In response to a question, the Chief Advisor said the organisers include people who the authorities know by name, for instance the representatives of European left-wing liberal groups and George Soros’s non-governmental organisations.

Concerning the timing of the migrant march, Mr. Bakondi pointed out that several procedures are about to be launched, for instance with relation to the budget and possibe Article 7 proceedings, with relation to which it would be important for some liberal groups to portray Hungary in a bad light.

“There is a sufficient police presence in the region, whose work is also being supported by the military”, the Chief Advisor highlighted.