“We hope it will be easier to reason with the new President and it will become possible to free bilateral relations from the burden of unnecessary and irrelevant matters”, Government Spokesperson Zoltán Kovács said on Hungarian M1 television’s Thursday evening current affairs program.

Mr. Kovács said such matters included human rights criticism, which in his opinion had been “systematically constructed” in recent years and did not facilitate bilateral dialogue.

“Plenty of activity has already existed within the fields of the economic and security cooperation”, he said.

With regard to the Government’s intention to increased wages, Mr. Kovács said: Having put the economy in order the first steps have been taken to increase the income of the public sector, with which the Government has demonstrated that the economy’s load-bearing capacity is capable of permitting it. He said that in his opinion it was a valid expectation for similar steps to occur within the private sector.

“The Ministry of Human Capacities will begin a series of negotiations with representatives of employers and employees on Friday”, the Government Spokesperson announced.