We must avoid a scenario where masses set out for Europe as a critical situation could develop in the region of one border section or another, the Chief Security Advisor to the Prime Minister said on Saturday on the public service television news channel M1.

György Bakondi stressed that if further tens and hundreds of thousands set out from Turkey, ever more people will be waiting at one European border section or another in order to move further towards the interior of the continent. According to the 2015 experiences, reaching a critical mass, migrants do not cooperate with the authorities, and tend to act ever more aggressively both towards representatives of the authorities and the local population, he said.

He pointed out that in places where border protection is tightened, masses of migrants accumulate. As a result, migrants from different national and ethnic backgrounds are required to spend together longer periods of time, and conflicts emerge between different groups. This is typical particularly of the Greek islands, but the situation is similar at Bihács (Bihac, Bosnia and Herzegovina) as well.

Mr Bakondi highlighted that Hungary is not on the main route of migration. Since the southern border section was closed down, migrant movement has shifted towards Bosnia and Herzegovina, and from there onwards in the direction of Croatia, Slovenia and Austria. He added at the same time that, compared with last year, they are observing ever intensifying movement also on the Hungarian border section.