The view taken by European Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos that Europe is unable to stop migration and that the installation of border control fences does not offer a solution is diametrically opposed to the opinion of both the Hungarian government and the majority of the Hungarian people. Csaba Dömötör stressed in his Wednesday interview given to the newspaper Magyar Hírlap that Hungary says no to self-surrender and Europe must make efforts to defend itself against illegal immigration.

The Deputy Minister of the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister added in response to the writing published by European Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos in the newspaper Politico that in the struggle against migration Europe must rely on all the values and achievements which once made it great.

Regarding the national consultation on the Soros plan, he underlined that the turnout rate broke all previous records. This is a major feat in itself, and additionally, as he said, “a national unity has been forged around certain issues”. He said that Hungarians do not want one million migrants to be resettled into Europe annually. They would not like to spend nine million forints on each and every one of them, and they also say no to Brussels’ attempts to exert pressure on Member States that reject the quotas.

Mr Dömötör believes that many people still see an opportunity in immigration. Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission himself said that legal migration routes should be created. Some believe that this would also solve labour shortage problems, though – as we have seen – this method has not proved to be a suitable option. In actual fact, migrants also pose major security and economic risks. The quota proposal is still on the table, and has now entered the legislative phase. The Deputy Minister is expecting a keen struggle and tough battles in the months ahead, for the purposes of which, he highlighted, both the national consultation and the resolution adopted by Parliament on the subject-matter provide a strong mandate for the Hungarian government.

In answer to the question regarding the state of security in Hungary, the politician stressed: security will be one of the most important questions of politics during the period ahead. Countries which are able to guarantee security will gain in prominence. From this point of view it is not irrelevant that already at this point in time Hungary is among the safest countries.
